Support Coordination


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Empowering individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling, independent lives” is a mantra at Maxicare Plus that we live by. Through personalized Support Independent Living (SIL), Individualized Living Option, and Personal Care Support services, we care, while you smile. we take care of you and provide you with guidance to navigate your daily life and thrive amidst all challenges.

Support Coordination

We know that navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be overwhelming. Our team is well-versed in the details of the NDIS, using their expertise and experience to help you make the most of your plan.

As a registered NDIS provider in Australia, our goal is to simplify the process for you, offering up-to-date information and guidance from the start of your NDIS application through to receiving the services you need.

Every NDIS application involves a planning meeting with an NDIA Planner or a Local Area Coordinator (LAC). Maxicare Plus free NDIS pre-planning sessions are designed to help you prepare for these meetings or plan reviews, ensuring you know what to ask to secure the funding needed for your support.

These free sessions will support you in:

  • Navigating the NDIS process
  • Defining your goals
  • Translating your goals into appropriate funding and services
  • Understanding and obtaining an NDIS plan or making sense of an existing plan
  • Clarifying the planning process
  • Securing the right funding for both your current and future needs
  • Obtaining a quote to support your funding application
  • With our help, you can approach your NDIS journey with confidence and clarity.

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