
We are dedicated to maintaining quality in Disability Care


Why choose us?

At MAXICAREPLUS, our support system outweighs whatever disability you might have. This simply means you have no reason to hide in your shell anymore. Our experienced and dedicated caregivers are more than ready to make you feel like the best part of your life is just about to start.

What we do

Home And Living Support
Empowering individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling, independent lives” is a mantra at Maxicare Plus that we live by. Through personalized Support Independent Living (SIL), Individualized Living Option, and Personal Care Support services, we care, while you smile. we take care of you and provide you with guidance to navigate your daily life and thrive amidst all challenges.
Maxicare Plus Fun Club
At Maxicare Plus, we create an inclusive and supportive space where individuals with disabilities thrive, smile, and improve self-independence. Through Specialist Disability Accommodation, Medium Term Accommodation, Short Term Accommodation, Younger People in Residential Age Care services, we stay committed to our clients, uphold their dignity, and create a place they call home. 
Support Coordination
Dedicated to making everyday life easier for individuals with disabilities trying to integrate into the community, our custom support services are designed to meet the needs of every client. Whether it is Social and Recreational Support service or Work and Supply Support Service, we guide you back into active community participation. 

Find dedicated caregivers to support independence and enrich daily life.